Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Great news!!

Here's the latest.

We are taking a flight out of Paris at 22h00 this evening for Kuala Lumpur. This is great news as we get out of the current situation, where the volcano may continue to erupt - causing us to stay longer than we already must. Our flight on Sunday was not 100% confirmed either, so any way we look at it - it was a must to leave.

We will need to wait in KL. Our flight from KL to Adelaide is not until the 26th - we will thus arrive in Adelaide on Tuesday morning. We're currently looking into hotels and other means of getting flights home. As per usual, all possibilities are being explored.

I do wish to repeat that it was essential to leave beautiful Paris - a hard decision to make but ultimately there is no alternative. Staying here would potentially create an even longer wait should eruptions and ash head in our direction.

Must go - there's many, many things to get on top of between now and this evening!



  1. It's very good news that the situation allows for an early departure and it's the sensible thing to do in the circumstances. Paris may be beautiful, but KL is ash-free and a lot nearer home .... A night flight will hopefully allow for some much needed sleep. Thanks once again for all your hard work. Hope all your last minute preparations go smoothly, as also the journey home. Faites nos amities a nos enfants merveilleuses!

  2. Hold your heads up and feel proud! You are all champions and the Scotch community celebrates you all. We can't wait to see you when you arrive at Adelaide airport, amid joyous fanfare, but enjoy your final moments of this momentous tour, during your stay in Kuala Lumpur. Whatever you do we support you. Huge thanks again Shawn, Mel and Seb. Nous vous saluons!

  3. Hi all, leaving Paris early was the only decision to make in the circumstances.
    KL is a great place. Its relatively easy to walk around, the Pewter Factory and markets are definitely worth a visit, the food in the street is brilliant and if your really stuck, the hotel pool should be very inviting.
    Have a fabulous time. Love Ingrid, Keith and Jeremyxxx
